Quick Action During a Heart Attack with Williamson Medical Center

Jun 19, 2023 at 11:43 am by RMGadmin

Act Fast! 

With Williamson Health
Whether you’re spending the weekend at the ballpark or working in the yard, there’s plenty to look forward to this summer. But increased activity levels and warmer temps can add stress to your heart, making it more important to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack - especially considering heart disease is the leading cause of death for men in the U.S.

Know the Signs:
According to cardiac experts of Williamson Health, recognizing heart attack signs can mean the difference between life and death. For men, signs of a heart attack can include:
  • Chest pain or discomfort in the center of the chest or left side lasting more than a few minutes. “Often, it’s described as feeling like someone sitting on your chest,” says Dr. Amit Keswani, an interventional cardiologist at Williamson Medical Center (WMC), the flagship acute-care hospital of Williamson Health.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Pain radiating to your left arm or jaw.
  • Sweating, even though you’re not exerting yourself.
Think you’re having a heart attack? Call 911! “The chances of surviving a heart attack are better the sooner emergency treatment begins,” says Richard Westgate, MSN, RN, and director of WMC’s ER department and cardiac catheterization lab. “Heart attacks can present in very different ways for different people, and, if a patient guesses wrong, the outcomes can be deadly.”

Michael Wallace, CCPM, Williamson Health EMS chief, agrees: “Vague or more obvious symptoms are your body’s way of getting your attention and telling you that something is wrong,” he says. “If you seek help before you are having major signs and symptoms, you greatly increase your chances of a better outcome.”

In the event of a heart attack, it can be helpful to take aspirin. Dr. Keswani recommends either a full dose (325 mg) or four baby aspirin (81 mg each).Wallace always recommends calling 911 during an emergency. “When you call 911, you will have highly skilled and equipped providers intervening faster than you can get yourself to the vehicle, much less the drive time it takes to get to the hospital,” he says.Dr. Keswani agrees. “When you call EMS, they can triage your vital signs, perform an EKG and transmit data in real time to our ER staff. This activates an entire team of nurses, surgical techs and physicians, including interventional cardiologists, who can prepare for the next step of intervention once you arrive at the hospital.”

Heart Healthy Tips for Men
If you’re ready to improve your heart health, here are a few steps to consider.
  • Know your risk factors. Risk factors include high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and smoking
  • Make a change (or two). “It’s hard to outrun your genetics, but a healthy diet and regular exercise can go a long way in terms of prevention,” Dr. Keswani says.
  • Stop smoking. According to the American Heart Association, smoking greatly increases the risk of developing heart disease.
  • Stress also increases strain on your heart, so take steps to manage or reduce stress in your life.
In addition to treating patients in an emergency, Williamson Health also offers high-quality comprehensive cardiac care close to home. WMC’s wide variety of Cardiology Services provides advanced monitoring and evaluation to determine a patient’s risk of a cardiac event. The new cardiac catheterization lab allows interventional cardiologists like Dr. Keswani to perform catheter-based cardiac interventions, offering patients shorter hospital stays, recovery time and minimal scarring.  “We offer a myriad of outpatient cardiac testing as well as acute inpatient services and are continually growing our service lines,” Dr. Keswani says.
To learn more about Williamson Health’s cardiac care, visit williamsonhealth.org.