Shades of You: How Color Analysis Can Transform Your Wardrobe
BY Amelia Rose Smith
Seasonal color analysis — a big trend in the 1980s — is back! This time it has returned for a younger generation determined to find out whether they are a winter, spring, summer or autumn. With the recent change of seasons, what better time to delve into the world, or might I say, the House of Colour! Jessa Anderson, a musician and worship leader, chanced upon House of Colour during a visit to her in-laws in Iowa. Jessa, along with a group of four women, had the idea to get their “colors done” by a local Image Consultant. Not familiar with this process, Jessa joined in on the adventure. She admitted, “I went into my analysis thinking: Can you just give me black? Because, as a busy mom, it was my signature color. But I couldn’t believe the difference in my appearance when I saw the navy versus black on me.”
Blown away by the process, Jessa fully embraced her summer season, going from a mostly black wardrobe to thriving in her summer palette! She shared, “It gave me permission to broaden my horizons and try colors in my palette that I wasn’t familiar with.” Postpartum from her fourth child, Jessa began to enjoy shopping and slowly but surely revised her wardrobe at a pace that felt natural.
A year later, Jessa was still thinking about House of Colour and the eye-opening impact it had on her. “Seeing the process was so fascinating, undeniable and FUN! I wanted others to experience that transformation,” said Jessa. Now, she is an expert Image Consultant, trained in House of Colour’s science-based color analysis process.

House of Colour has been a leading global image consulting company, specializing in both Color and Style Analysis for over thirty-five years. Their objective is to provide clients with personalized, bespoke services and experiences that foster a sense of authenticity and confidence. House of Colour strives to help individuals create a wardrobe that aligns with their unique lifestyle and aspirations.
"While fashions, trends and fads come and go, the theory of color, as interpreted by House of Colour, remains based in science, logic and objectivity, enabling every client to take their individual WOW! colors and look and feel wonderful. Your confidence grows, and the journey to empowerment begins!" noted on the House of Colour website.

“Celebrators of Individuality, Curators of Confidence”
- House of Colour
House of Colour Process
The personal Color Analysis consultation is a two to three-hour service designed to discover and celebrate you! This process can be emotional and cathartic, but, by the end of the appointment, clients leave feeling uplifted and equipped to fully embrace their season with a new shade of confidence.
Wondering what to expect? Check out their step-by-step process below

Style Analysis is the other half of the equation in personalizing a wardrobe that flatters you and complements your lifestyle and personality. If you have been thinking about finding your season, now is the time! Contact our local Image Consultants: Jessa Anderson, Katie Dawson and Hannah Garber, or visit to find an Image Consultant near you!