It is a way of life passed down from generation to generation
A southern gentleman will always offer his chair to a woman when all others are taken. He carries a handkerchief in the event a woman needs one, even if he never uses it. He offers his jacket, regardless of if he is cold too. While walking on a sidewalk, he chooses the side closest to the curb to keep a female out of harm’s way.
He will hold the door for others, allowing them to enter first. Before taking his seat, he will hold the chair out for a female, assisting her with being seated. He will walk her to her car and open the door for her, regardless of if they’re riding together. When he sees someone with their hands full, he offers to help, even if it inconveniences him.
He should go out of his way to make a female feel special, appreciated, accepted, and loved. A southern gentleman puts his pride aside and will admit when he is wrong. He leaves notes for his significant other telling her how much he loves her, cares for her, and is always there for her. He surprises her with flowers, just because it’s Tuesday.
He is on time and does not make others wait. When eating in social settings, a southern gentleman waits for others to receive their food before he begins to eat. He uses proper table manners and offers to pay the check while dining out. If he is gifted with something, whether it is a physical present or an act of kindness, he sends a hand-written letter thanking whoever provided this gift.