Learn more about this family-owned business and how they have not only dived into the waters of pool building, but also how they work hard to be impactful community members.
How long have you lived in Williamson County? What is it about WC that makes it feel like home to you? Almost fifteen years. We moved to be closer to family and Heather went to Franklin High School, so reconnecting with friends has been great. We loved our kids’ schools and all the fun events like Pumpkinfest, Nolensville Farmer’s Market, fundraisers for Young Life and the Williamson County Animal Center.
Three words that best describe you both?
Heather: Loyal, Trustworthy, Fabulous
Hanley: Outgoing, Detail-Oriented, Quick-Witted
What do you like to do in your spare time?
We both love to travel, go to the lake, entertain friends, cook and binge watch TV!
Where is your favorite place to go in WC, and why?
Sperry’s – we love the consistency of service and food and the collegial feeling of the other diners.
What keeps you motivated and inspired?
Heather: Happy customers at the end of the project.
Hanley: Family
What organizations are you involved with and why?
We are involved with Young Life. Both of our kids had incredible experiences and we want to keep that going for future generations. We are also involved with the Williamson County Animal Center (WCAC). We have three dogs and we absolutely love animals and believe that caring for them is essential. We donate to Home Street Home ministries that help the homeless. We are active in our neighborhood events and participate in many charity golf tournaments.
What is the one thing you do not go a day without?
Heather: Talking to my kids.
Hanley: Coffee
We are Williamson County because…
We live, work and play in Williamson County. Both of our kids graduated from Brentwood High School and we have longstanding ties with the area, starting from 1990 when Heather moved here with her family. It is home and we love being part of what makes it so beautiful.