Letter From the Publisher: September 2022

Sep 06, 2022 at 02:44 pm by RMGadmin

Home IS Where the Heart IS

“Wherever you go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God.” Ruth 1:16

Dear Readers, 
I could do a lot with that bible verse – glean many a different correlation. But for now, I will simply sit with the basic premise that wherever your people are, your loved ones, is where your home is. And that sentiment strikes a chord in me always, but certainly this month. September is a month I have always loved, it’s one of the most beautiful months of the year as the summer fades slowly into autumn, the backdrop of our world literally glows with light. The light and the smells of September always make me close my eyes and remember some magical moment in time – events, birthdays, football games, grief and loss even, but still…ahh September… They wrote a song about it, so it must be one of the good months, right? I chose it to get married in, and so now, every September, I get to remember that momentous occasion. 
Johnny is my home. Together we have made a home. We have carved out our corner of life in this little corner of the world and we have brought amazing children into it to share a life filled with love and favor and blessing. We are blessed not only as individuals but in our union. Our “home” is blessed with comforts, joy, friends, family, LIFE. Our business is bestowed with so much abundance and gifts of support, community, talent and creativity of spirit, mind and tangible evidence every single day. We get to do what we love; with people we love; in a place we love. Our business is our home as well. 
Yes, I could go on and on about many different things about September and all its glory – but I’ll stick to this simple but all-encompassing idea of home is where the heart is. And may yours be as filled with hope, faith and love as ours are – this September and all through the year.
Enjoy this incredible issue filled with such beauty. We are ALL truly blessed to call Williamson County home. 

Shelly Robertson Birdsong | Publisher
