In her first book releasing this month, author and horsewoman Diane Moschera, has written a love story, but it’s not a romance novel. For Moschera, the ongoing love story is about experiencing God’s love and wisdom, with lessons delivered through a majestic part of God’s creation – her horses.
Throughout her lifetime of loving and caring for horses, she says God’s most clear ways of communicating with her has been her relationship with horses. In their gentle spirits, she has learned lessons God has for her and used to help her grow into the person God intends her to become. “Every horse I encounter has taught me something,” she writes. “They may be without speech, but they are not without a voice. There are many great messengers at Second Wind Farm.”
She shares some of those personal but universal lessons in her new book, The Horses of Second Wind Farm: Their Lives, Our Lessons. In a recent trade review, the book was described as “inspired and inspiring” by the Midwest Book Review. The review added that it also considered it “a ‘must’ for anyone who has ever had an equine companion.”
Moschera and her husband own and operate Second Wind Farm in Thompson’s Station. It’s a boarding and training facility, as well as being their home and respite. In the book, she profiles eleven of the more than fifty horses she has known in her lifetime so far, describing the unique personalities of each horse and noting an attribute that became a life lesson for her.
“I am most grateful for the messages from Heaven shared through my horses. Every horse I encountered has taught me something. They have brought focus and direction. They have brought God’s wisdom, strength, hope, and love into my circumstances. Their soft, simple language often speaks louder than words,” Moschera writes.
The book includes photos of the horses, and the stories reveal Diane’s expertise with horses and her great compassion and love for these animals, as well as her strong faith. “These are love stories of our life together,” she explains. “They also provide a perfect reflection of how my God loves me and cares for me.”
Moschera sees that in addition to horses, God also uses other parts of creation, including other people, to gently communicate His love and wisdom. She offers this advice. “Learn to listen carefully to the teachers who surround you and the lessons they teach. They come in all shapes and sizes. Look intently into your world for who they may be. It may surprise you.”
The Horses of Second Wind Farm, from Carpenter’s Son Publishing and is available from selected bookstores and online retailers. To learn more about Diane and her horses, visit dianemoschera.com. or follow her on Facebook at DianeMoscheraAuthor.