On the Road
We all know that trip… the one that may be one hour or ten, but it seems like an eternity with a car full of restless, anxious, and excited children. Spring Break time is here! And many of you are planning to travel somewhere warm, exciting, warm or educational. Whatever your destination, there likely will be some car or even plane time, where keeping calm, peace and boredom to a minimum is a must to ensure the “break” starts out on the right foot.
Of course, there are iPads and other devices which can work wonders. But for a moment, let’s pretend it is the good ole days when we had to really work to entertain ourselves in the car. And before you knew it, the whole family was involved, and a boring car ride became a fun, memory-filled, integral part of the vacation experience.
To keep kids entertained in the car, you can try classic games like "I Spy," sing-alongs, storytelling, playing "license plate bingo," or even engaging in a backseat story where everyone adds a sentence to the narrative one at a time. Let’s take a look at some of these fun options in case you are not familiar or have forgotten!
Take turns spotting specific objects like cars of a certain color or animals in the landscape.
Create a bingo card with different license plate combinations and mark them off as you see them.
Each person takes turns adding a sentence to a story, building on the previous person's contribution.
Create stories based on what you see outside the window, like imagining the lives of people in passing cars.
Listen to age-appropriate audiobooks together.
Play a fun playlist with songs everyone can sing to.
While the in-car family games can be fun–make sure you also have all the backups: Travel-friendly, small, portable toys like magnetic tiles, Play-Doh, or small puzzles; coloring books and crayons; sticker books can be a fun way to keep kids occupied too. Purchase a portable lap travel tray to accommodate all these activities.
Lastly, don’t rule out electronics completely. You can load up on education apps and games and download your favorite movies. Don’t forget: Ensure kids are properly secured in their car seats and avoid letting them get too distracted while playing games.
Plan ahead! Prepare a "car ride bag" with snacks, activities, and entertainment options before leaving, and you can make those hours fly by! Safe travels, and enjoy the break!