Saving Main Street

Oct 08, 2024 at 04:33 pm by RMGadmin

During the mid-twentieth century, the powers that be decided to “improve” Main Street to make it more shopper-friendly. Picturesque brick shops were covered with vinyl siding and an aluminum awning ran the length of the street. Local preservationist Rudy Jordan became the Director of the Downtown Franklin Association in 1984, and one of her first acts in office was to have all of the inauthentic additions removed. The initiative became known as Streetscape, an enormous undertaking to rebuild the streets, stop flooding downtown and add new sidewalks and trees.
DFA worked on the project with the Heritage Foundation’s Mary Pearce, and years later the success speaks for itself. Thanks to Streetscape, downtown Franklin has won numerous awards and is a case-study for communities undertaking their own preservation projects. Rudy received the Great American Award from the National Trust for Historic Preservation for her efforts on behalf of the town of Franklin. Today, downtown Franklin is recognized nationwide as “America’s Favorite Main Street.”