Timeless Beauty Tips

Nov 10, 2020 at 11:24 am by RMGadmin



Happy November! While we’re all excited about Thanksgiving food, holiday shopping and cooler temps, there’s another reason to celebrate November that you may not know about;it’s National Healthy Skin Month! To pay homage, we’re sharing ten of the best timeless skincare tips!


When it comes to maintaining healthy skin, hydration is a must. After all, there isn’t much that water can’t fix, right? Drinking plenty of water is arguably one of the easiest ways to improve your skin. It not only helps to hydrate from the inside out, but it also increases brightness and elasticity. Experts even recommend splashing cold water on your face after washing it or exfoliating, as it’s been proven to tighten pores.


This one should go without saying, but truth be told, after a long day (or night), this tip can be hard to forget. Most make up is filled with oils and wearing it on your skin for an extended period of time can cause break outs and irritation. It’s important to let your skin breath, which is why you should always wash it off your face when you’re done for the day. And no, using a make-up wipe isn’t the same thing.


Washing your face is a great, simple way to get rid of any dirt and oils, but for a deeper, more effective cleanse, you should exfoliate. When done properly, exfoliation clears dead skin cells to make way for new ones, leaving your skin with a natural, healthier glow. There are plenty of exfoliation scrubs you can buy at beauty stores, but you can also whip one up at home with things like yogurt, honey, almond mill or powder or brown sugar!


No matter your skin type, we can’t stress this one enough! Believe it or not, moisturizing not only prevents skin from getting too dry, but it also prevents it from getting too oily. You’ll see benefits from moisturizing your skin immediately, but it’s important to know that its helpful to your skin long-term as well. Moisturizing prevents wrinkles, reduces your chances of having certain skin problems and it will help you maintain a healthy glow. When moisturizing, be sure to cover both your face and neck area.


No matter how badly you want that tanned glow, it is so important to limit sun exposure and wear sunscreen daily. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to lather up in SPF 100 each and every day. In fact, most foundations and powders now have SPF in them, so you might already be wearing it! There are also plenty of moisturizers, primers and setting sprays that are great to use to get your daily dose of SPF. In the long run, keeping your skin protected from the sun will keep it looking younger and reduce your chances of skin cancer.


Much like staying hydrated, maintaining a healthy diet will benefit you from the inside out! Not only will you feel good, but your skin will look good as well! Unhealthy diets are one of the main causes of breakouts and blemishes. Vitamins and nutrients that are found in healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and fish are crucial to maintaining bright and radiant skin long term.


Antioxidants such as Vitamin C will do wonders for your skin. Not only do they help repair damaged skin, but they also make your skin look brighter and more youthful over time. Most importantly, antioxidants help combat free radicals that come into contact with your skin every day, such as air pollution.


Believe it or not, sweat is great for your skin. It’s a natural way to purge your skin of any impurities while also hydrating it. In addition, getting your blood pumping increases circulation, which carries important oxygen and nutrients to skin cells that keep them healthy.


You would be shocked at how much a simple good night’s rest can help your skin. A lack of sleep and proper rest leads to more stress, and that can lead to break outs and other skin issues. In addition, sleeping gives your body the time it needs to naturally repair and wear sunscreen daily. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to lather up in SPF 100 each and every day. In fact, most foundations and powders now have SPF in them, so you might already be wearing it! There are also plenty of moisturizers, primers and setting sprays that are great to use to get your daily dose of SPF. In the long run, keeping your skin protected from the sun will keep it looking younger and reduce your chances of skin cancer. itself, so don’t skimp on those six to eight hours!


Perhaps the most important thing to know about skin is that everyone’s is different! No one has exactly the same problems or look, so therefore, it’s crucial to find products, tips and routines that work best for you. Don’t be afraid to try different things; you might be surprised at what actually helps!

Tags: beautiful you Best Skin Tips National Healthy Skin Month
Sections: LIFESTYLE Beautiful YOU