Meet Dr. Jeremy Qualls: Career & Technical Education Executive Director with Williamson County Schools

Aug 12, 2019 at 03:16 pm by adminjen

After five years as District Athletic Director for Williamson County Schools (WCS), Dr. Jeremy Qualls has been named the system’s new Career and Technical Education (CTE) executive director. Learn more about WCS initiatives in CTE and other programs at the Williamson, Inc. Education Summit on September 17th. Register at

Your Williamson spoke this month with Dr. Qualls to learn a little bit more about him and his new role with WCS.

YW: Tell us a bit about your background in education and your path to Williamson County.
JQ: I started in education in order to coach basketball. After receiving my B.A. in Health and Human Performance and playing basketball at Austin Peay State University, I coached at Marshall County High School and Lexington High School. In Lexington, I eventually became assistant principal and athletic director. After that, I served as assistant principal at Milan Elementary School before becoming the principal at Hickman County Middle School. In 2014, I was named district athletic director for WCS and have spent five years in the system before becoming CTE executive director.

YW: Thus far, what is your favorite part of the new role?
JQ: The relationship building and the opportunity to create are my favorite parts of this job. Being able to cast a vision with stakeholders in the community and being able to work with a team to make those visions come true is appealing. The end goal is to give students opportunities that they’ve not had previously, and that aspect is exciting.

YW: What skills and experiences from your time as district athletic director do you see as most beneficial in the position of CTE executive director?
JQ: I believe the relationships that were formed with the partners and sponsors of WCS Athletics will be the most beneficial tool in my new role. These prior relationships could provide avenues for additional funding, internships and work-based learning opportunities for students within the CTE realm.

YW: What are you looking forward to accomplishing?
JQ: I look forward to adding a new CTE program to the WCS portfolio. I also look forward to being an advocate for the students and their accomplishments, as well as our CTE community partners. Hopefully, together we can build something that is outside-the-box and trailblazing.

YW: Who do you look forward to working with?
JQ: I look forward to working with all the stakeholders. Williamson, Inc.; Columbia State; and all the businesses in Williamson County who share the same vision of building world-class educational opportunities that will give students a leg up in the job field. In turn, those stakeholders can continue cultivating WCS and Williamson County as a destination location for businesses and families.

YW: What are some your favorite aspects of being in Williamson County?
JQ: The opportunities and resources. If you dream it up, there will be someone in Williamson County that will help you make it a reality.

Learn more about Williamson, Inc.’s
Education Summit by visiting

Tags: career and technical education dr. jeremy qualls education summit health and wellness williamson county schools your business partner your williamson
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