Easter Lunch at the Birdsong's

Apr 05, 2019 at 02:54 pm by PaigeAtwell


By Shelly Robertson Birdsong

The Lord is Risen. The Lord is Risen Indeed. I don’t know if it was my fervently Episcopalian grandmother Robertson who shouted these words every Easter morning, thus setting the tone for our service of jubilation at the Resurrection, or my grandfather Giles, who dressed to the nines in his Easter finery every year and sang “put on your Easter bonnet with all the ribbons on it and we’ll all have an Easter parade..” as he lead us to church, that instilled in me such a joy at the holiday that is Easter. Probably a little bit of both, as both the religious and the seasonal celebration of spring are important in recognizing Easter. I love the meaning of the day, and I love knowing it’s the day when for us southerners we can wear our white and bring out our linen and wear our Easter bonnet! As an adult, I have come to love hosting our family’s Easter dinner after church and in recent years, have come to understand, that for the Birdsongs, that means calling The Puffy Muffin for some assistance.

Decorating the table is so much fun in spring. I love to use several different patterns of china, which my family is fortunate to have on hand. I can mix and match my glassware too but love the bumblebee stemware I purchased a few years ago. Pinks, mint green and lots of yellow make for a wonderful backdrop to a lighter meal than last served at Christmas. And of course, we bring out the silver. Easter eggs either dyed or plastic, to decorate the place settings or create a centerpiece along with some fun bunny figurines, keeps things festive for the kids. And let’s talk about the kids for a minute – I live for Easter clothing for children. Both of mine will, of course, be decked out this year in their Sunday best! As will Mr. Birdsong. Well known for his fashion sense, he most assuredly will match the table deĢcor in some pale colored ensemble.!

The Puffy Muffin menu options offered up here will be replicated come April 21st at our table! Everything was so fresh and yummy; Grilled vegetables, their incredible squash casserole and herbed potatoes. Oh, so good! And no Easter meal is complete in our house without deviled eggs! Johnny did prepare the main course of beef tenderloin, cooked with rosemary and served with homemade horseradish sauce. Lastly and certainly not least – in fact it made quite the centerpiece on its own – was that unbelievable creation of an Easter bunny cake. Yes – every single piece of that is edible. And delicious.

When the meal is over, we will all tromp out to the yard for a small egg hunt for the kids and Tallulah the Frenchie. A perfect day, a perfect start to spring and a holy occasion to count our blessings and give thanks to our Lord.

Happy Easter!

Tags: Easter Eat Drink & Be Merry food The Puffy Muffin
Sections: LIFESTYLE Eat, Drink & Be Merry